


Heat Transfer


Command manual





Hybrid simulation of Cardington Plane Frame Test

Developed by Dr Xuesong Cai and Dr Liming Jiang


Figure 1 shows the test configuration, which was tested at Cardington. The test was conducted in an eight-storey steel-frame structure, built in the BRE Cardington facility. The floor plan was 45 m long and 21 m wide and was spread over five 9 m longitudinal bays along the x-direction and three bays along the y-direction as shown in Fig. 2b. In the center of the floor plan, there was a 9.0 m×2.5 m lift core and two 4.0 m×4.5 m stairwells. The composite floor slabs were 130 mm thick with 55 mm deep ribs. More details of this test structure can be found in the literature [6]. To apply the fire loading, the furnace was constructed at the lower floor (Floor 3) of a heating area of 21.0 m×2.5 m primarily heating the Grid B frame. As shown in Table 1, the sections of the primary beams were 610×229×101UB, 356×171×51UB, and 356×171×51UB, while the section for the secondary beam was 305×165×40UB. The columns had the section of 305×305×137UC. The experimental furnace was heated with eight burners on the third floor and the temperature was nearly uniformly distributed. The primary beams and secondary beams as well as the floor slab were unprotected. The internal columns were enclosed in the furnace and were protected up to 200 mm below the beam-column connections.

OpenSees Model Type used for this example
Element ShellNLDKGQThermal, DispBeamColumnThermal
Section LayeredShellThermal, FiberSection3D
Material CDPPlaneStressThermal, SteelECThermal, J2PlaneStressThermal
Thermal Loading ShellThermalAction, with userdefined dat file

Download: This Example Package

Model Geometry

Figure-1: Schematic of flat concrete slab subjected to furnace fire

Tcl scripts for model definition

# units are mm, N, MPa, ton, and C
# Column coordinates
# Model builder
model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6;
source DisplayPlane.tcl
source DisplayModel2D.tcl
source DisplayModel3D.tcl
logFile "Hybrid20210818_master.log"
# Load OpenFresco package
# -----------------------
# (make sure all dlls are in the same folder as openSees.exe)
loadPackage OpenFresco
# Execute
source sections.tcl
puts "loaded 'sections' correctly"
source nodes.tcl
puts "loaded 'nodes' correctly"
source constraints.tcl
puts "loaded 'constraints' correctly"
## Define the control point (Column B2)
#expControlPoint 1 -node 2817 3 disp
#expControlPoint 2 -node 2817 3 disp 3 force
expControlPoint 1 -node 2817 1 disp 2 disp 3 disp
expControlPoint 2 -node 2817 1 disp 2 disp 3 disp 1 force 2 force 3 force
expControlPoint 3 -node 2917 1 disp 2 disp 3 disp
expControlPoint 4 -node 2917 1 disp 2 disp 3 disp 1 force 2 force 3 force
#expControlPoint 1 -node 2817 1 disp
#expControlPoint 2 -node 2817 1 disp 1 force
## Define the test control method
#expControl SimFEAdapter 1 "" 44000 -trialCP 1 -outCP 2
expControl SimFEAdapter 1 "" 44000 -trialCP 1 -outCP 2
expControl SimFEAdapter 2 "" 43000 -trialCP 3 -outCP 4
#expControl SimFEAdapter 2 "" 44000 -trialCP 1 -outCP 2
## Define the transformation
expSetup NoTransformation 1 -control 1 -dir 2 4 1 -sizeTrialOut 6 6
expSetup NoTransformation 2 -control 2 -dir 2 4 1 -sizeTrialOut 6 6
#expSetup NoTransformation 1 -control 1 -dir 1 -sizeTrialOut 6 6
#expSetup NoTransformation 1 -control 1 -dir 1 2 3 -sizeTrialOut 6 6
#expSetup NoTransformation 1 -control 1 -dir 2 4 1 5 3 6 -sizeTrialOut 6 6
## Define the Test site
expSite LocalSite 1 1
expSite LocalSite 2 2
## End of OpenFresco
source elements.tcl
expElement beamColumn 200000 2801 2817 44 -site 1 -initStif\
9.1e5 0 0 0 0 0\
0 1054 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 3200 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
expElement beamColumn 200001 2901 2917 44 -site 2 -initStif\
9.1e5 0 0 0 0 0\
0 1054 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 3200 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
0 0 0 0 0 0\
puts "loaded 'elements' correctly"
source loads.tcl

Output Results

Using the Dual-3D hybrid simulation, the fire responses of Beam B12 and column are shown in the following figure

Figure 2: B12 column response simulated using Dual-3D hybrid simulation framework
Figure 2: B12 column response simulated using Dual-3D hybrid simulation framework

X. Cai, Liming Jiang*, J. Qiu, A. Orabi, C. Yang, G. Lou, M. Khan, Y. Yuan, G-Q. Li, A. Usmani. 2022. Dual-3D Hybrid Simulation of Steel Structures in Fires Using OpenSees and OpenFresco. Journal of Construction Steel Research.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2022.107511

This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016