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Material Commands for Thermo-Mechanical analysis in OpenSees

This page introduces the developed commands for performing thermo-mechanical analysis in OpenSees.

Thermo-mechaical Unixal Materials


This material class is derived by modifying the existing steel material "Steel01" to include the temperature-dependent properties according to EN 1993-1-2 carbon steel at elevated temperature. The definition of the parameters of Steel01Thermal material can be scripted as follows:
uniaxialMaterial Steel01Thermal $matTag $Fy $E0 $b <$a1 $a2 $a3 $a4>


Steeel02Thermal is derived from "Steel02", which incorprates with a smooth transition from elastic to plastic behaviour.
uniaxialMaterial Steel02Thermal $matTag $Fy $E0 $b $R0 $cR1 $cR2 <$a1 $a1 $a1 $a1>


SteeelECThermal is developed for modelling steel material at elevated temperature, and provding different types of steel material definition according to EN1992,EN1993.
--EC2NH and EC2NC are correponding to the hot-rolled and cold-formed steel rebars in Eurocode 2. EC3 is scorreponding to the carbon steel in EC3.
uniaxialMaterial SteelECThermal $matTag <$steelType> $Fy $E0

A sample is shown as below:

uniaxialMaterial SteelECThermal 1 EC2NH 5.65e8 2e11;


Concrete02Thermal is created for modelling concrete, which is derived from the standard "Concrete02" material and incorprates with temperature dependent properties sugggested in Eurocode 2 (EN1992-1-2).
uniaxialMaterial Concrete02Thermal $matTag $Fy $E0 <$a1 $a1 $a1 $a1>


ConcreteECThermal is derived by modification of the existing concrete material class "Concrete02" and "Concrete02Thermal" to include the temperature-dependent properties according to EN 1992-1-2 about concrete with siliceous aggregates at elevated temperature.
uniaxialMaterial ConcreteECThermal $matTag $fpc $epsc0 $fpcu $epsU $lambda $ft $Ets

Example is shown as below:

set fpc -30;
set epsc0 -0.003;
set fpcu [expr $fpc*0.05];
set epsU -0.02;
set lambda 0.1;
set ft 0.0;
set Ets [expr $ft/0.002];
uniaxialMaterial ConcreteECThermal 2 $fpc $epsc0 $fpcu $epsU $lambda $ft $Ets;

Thermo-mechaical nD Materials


ElasticIsotropicThermal is created for analyses using shell elements in OpenSees, which could either be defined with constant thermal expansion ratio, or using thermal expansion ratios for concrete or Steel. For the latter, corresponding stiffness reduction will be also applied automatically.
nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic3DThermal $matTag $E0 $Poisson_ratio $Density $Thermal_expansion_ratio <-cSoft/-sSoft>;


J2PlaneStressThermal is created for analyses using shell elements in OpenSees, which represents a J2 plasiticty material (Von-Mises stress yielding principle) suitable for steel materials, using reduction factors and thermal exapnasion properties defined in Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 3. H1 and H2 and hardening factors for kinematic and isotropic hardening after yielding.

nDMaterial J2PlaneStressThermal $matTag $typeTag $E0 $Poisson_ratio $fy $fyu $H1 $H2;

A sample is shown as below:

nDMaterial J2PlaneStressThermal 11 22 2e11 0.3 5.65e8 6.65e8 10 2e10;


CDPPlaneStressThermal is created for analyses using shell elements in OpenSees, which represents a concrete damage plasiticty material suitable for concrete materials, using reduction factors and thermal exapnasion properties defined in Eurocode 2. gt and gc are the fracture energy associated with the crack and crush of concrete material.

nDMaterial CDPPlaneStressThermal $matTag $E0 $Poisson_ratio $ft $fc $gt $gc;

A sample is shown as below:

nDMaterial CDPPlaneStressThermal 101 2.2e10 0.2 3e6 30e6 $gt $gc;

This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016