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Heat Transfer


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Documents and Publications

Publications on OpenSees for Fire

After years, we have published a number of papers to present our development on beam elements, shell elements, heat transfer analysis, integrated simulation, and hybrid simulation. You can also find the recent publication update at ResearchGate.

Development for modelling beams and slabs in fire

An integrated section model to enable simulating composite slabs in fire simply as modelling a flat slab,2023

A computational approach for modelling composite slabs in fire within OpenSees framework,2022

Modelling concrete slabs subjected to fires using nonlinear layered shell elements and concrete damage-plasticity material,2021

Modelling concrete slabs subjected to localised fire action with OpenSees,2022

Computational performance of beam-column elements in modelling structural members subjected to localised fire,2018

OpenSees Software Architecture for the Analysis of Structures in Fire,2015

Modelling of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures in Fire Using OpenSees,2014

Development of thermal analysis and fire models

Application of travelling behaviour models for thermal responses in large compartment fires,2022

Model characterisation of localised burning impact from localised fire tests to travelling fire scenarios,2022

Thermal Analysis Infrastructure in OpenSees for Fire and its Smart Application Interface Towards Natural Fire Modelling,2021

Feasibility of dimensionally reduced heat transfer analysis for structural members subjected to localised fire,2018

Development for integrated simulation

OpenSees development for modelling timber structural members subjected to realistic fire impact,2022

Integrated nonlinear structural simulation of composite buildings in fire,2022

OpenFIRE: An Open Computational Framework for Structural Response to Real Fires

Towards scenario fires – modelling structural response to fire using an integrated computational tool,2018

Application of OpenSees for fire

.Reconstruct the load redistribution paths in multi-floor fire scenarios using 3D structural models,2023

The Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Revisited,2020

Remaining fire resistance of steel frames following a moderate earthquake – A case study,2020

Preliminary Modelling of Plasco Tower Collapse,2018

The World Trade Center 9/11 Disaster and Progressive Collapse of Tall Buildings, 2012

Using Opensees for Structures in Fire, 2010

Hybrid simulation using OpenSees for fire and modular

Hybrid simulation with multiple synchronized substructures as virtual fire-exposed models and physical specimen in laboratory,2024

Development of modular and reusable AI models for fast predicting fire behaviour of steel columns in structural systems,2023

Dual-3D hybrid fire simulation for modelling steel structures in fire with column failure,2022

Virtual hybrid simulation of beams with web openings in fire,2019

Analysis of restrained composite beams exposed to fire using a hybrid simulation approach,2018

Conference Papers

J. Qiu, L. Jiang, M.A.Orabi, A. Usmani,2021, Characterisation of damage patterns of composite floor system subjected to realistic fire scenarios, 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (AOSFST 2021)

Z. Nan, A.Khan, L.Jiang, S. Chen, A. Usmani,2021, Thermal response of steel beam subjected to idealised travelling fires, 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (AOSFST 2021)

Liming Jiang, C.Cheng, A. Usmani, 2021. A Comceptual Timber-Steel Composite Section Using Char Layer as Insulation to Protect Steel, World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE2021), Santiago.

M.A.Orbi, Liming Jiang, A.Usmani, J. Torero, 2020. The Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Revisited, 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SIF 2020), Queensland.

H.Hajiloo, Liming Jiang, A. Usmani, M.Green , 2018. Collapse analysis of the Plasco Tower using OpenSees, 10th International Conference on Structures in Fire, Belfast.

Liming Jiang, M. Zhou, A. Usmani, 2017. Global behaviour of generic stainless steel composite frame structures in Fire. 2nd International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast (CONFAB 2017), London.

Liming Jiang, S.W. Chen, A. Usmani, 2016. Structural behaviour under localised fire action-modelled using an integrated computational tool, 9th International Conference on Structures in Fire( SIF2016), Princeton.

OpenSees-based integrated tool for modelling structures in fire. In The First International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire & Blast. Glasgow, pp. 461–468, 2015

Development of heat transfer modelling capability in OpenSees for structures in fire, in Proceedings of Application of Structural Fire Design, 324-330, Prague, 2011

Using OpenSees for structures in fire, pages 919-926, SiF'10, Michigan, June 2010.

This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016