This page introduces the commands of using various elements for thermo-mechanical analysis in OpenSees.
Thermo-mechanical displacement based beam-column elements are derived by modifying the existing elements to include the interface for thermal action. The definition of thermo-mechanical beam-column elements for 2d and 3d model in OpenSees can be scripted as follows:
element dispBeamColumnThermal $eleID $NodeTag0 $NodeTag1 $NumInts $secTag $TransfTag;
ForceBeamColumnThermal is used for using force based thermo-mechanical elements.
element forceBeamColumnThermal $eleID $NodeTag0 $NodeTag1 $NumInts $secTag $TransfTag;
ElasticIsotropicThermal is created for analyses using shell elements in OpenSees, which could either be defined with constant thermal expansion ratio, or using thermal expansion ratios for concrete or Steel. For the latter, corresponding stiffness reduction will be also applied automatically.
element ShellMITC4Thermal $eleTag $iNode $jNode $kNode $lNode $secTag;
A sample is shown as below:
block2D $nx $ny 1 1 ShellMITC4Thermal 5 {
1 0. 0. 0.
2 4.15 0. 0.
3 4.15 3.15 0.
4 0. 3.15 0.
ShellNLDKGQThermal is created for analyses using shell elements in OpenSees, which can co-work with a layered shell section.
element ShellNLDKGQThermal $eleTag $iNode $jNode $kNode $lNode $secTag;
A sample is shown as below:
block2D $nx $ny 1 1 ShellNLDKGQThermal 5 {
1 0. 0. 0.
2 4.15 0. 0.
3 4.15 3.15 0.
4 0. 3.15 0.
This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016