


Getting Started

Heat Transfer


Command manual






Getting started with OpenSees for Fire

In this section, basic guidance will be presented to help users get started with OpenSees for Fire. The following topics are discussed

Prepare OpenSees Environment

Before using OpenSees for fire, your PC should be prepared by installing required suporting software. Currently we need two software packages to be installed for interpreters: Tcl and Python , which are responsible to interpret your input script to the OpenSees understandable codes.

(1) Tcl should be installed properly in a specific directory in your PC, which is a defalut location of Tcl for OpenSees. The installation should be directed to the directory as shwon as below;

(2) Python should be also installed in a specific directory in your PC, which is a defalut location of Tcl for OpenSees. The installation should be directed to the directory as shwon as below;

Download and Run OpenSees

To use OpenSees for fire with Tcl script, the executable binary file can be downloaded from the Download page in our website.

Users are allowed to input their commands through the command line window directly,or use "source" command to import an pre-written Tcl script.

When using "source" method, it is better to place the OpenSees.exe and the tcl script files in the same folder. Otherwise, you have to change your working directory to find the scripts.

Run Thermo-mechanical Analysis

[Download the example package for Thermo-mechanical analysis]

Let's start from the "example-SteelBeam-uniform.tcl" which models a simply supported steel beam subjected to UDL and thermal action varying with time. The model configuration is shown as below:

Run Heat Transfer analysis

[Download the example script for Heat Transfer analysis]

This example is to demonstrate the usage of heat transfer commands in OpenSees. A composite section exposed to standard fire is modelled as shown as below:

This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016