


Getting Started

Heat Transfer


Command manual






Commands for Heat Transfer Analysis in OpenSees

This page explains the commands used for heat transfer analysis in OpenSees


HeatTransfer command is used to activate the Heat Transfer module, which is followed by 2D or 3D to initialise a 2D or 3D environment. Commands can be written as:
HeatTransfer 2D
HeatTransfer 3D


HTMaterial command is used to define a heat transfer material. which shall be defined as:
HTMaterial $matType $matTag <$par1 $par2..>
Currently, there are three differnt types of heat transfer material can be defined, which may be extended to meet future needs. Examples of different materials are defined as follows for steel, concrete and generic material.
HTMaterial CarbonSteelEC3 1;
HTMaterial ConcreteEC2 2 $moist;
HTMaterial ConcreteEC2 3 $density $specificHeat $conductivity;


HTEntity command is used to create an entity of regular shape, which maybe a 1D line, a 2D rectangular block and a number of other options. The template for defining an entity is :
HTEntity $EntityTYpe $EntityTag $Centrelocx $Centrelocy < centreLocz > $dim1 < $dim2 $dim3 ...>

The parameters for defiing HTEntity are listed in th following tables:

Category EntityType Centroid Dimension
1D Line xc l
2D Block xc, yc b,d
2D Isection xc, yc bf,hb, tw, tf
2D IsectionPro xc, yc bf,hb, tw,tf, coat
2D Composite xc, yc bf,hb, tw, tf, bs,hs
3D Brick xc, yc, zc b,d,h
3D Isection3D xc, yc, zc bf,hb, tw, tf, l

The definition of the parameters mentioned above for 1D and 2D HTEntities are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: HTEntities Heat Transfer analysis

A few examples have been shown as below:

HTEntity Line 1 0.0 $slabt;
HTEntity Block 2 0.0 0.0 $slabl $slabt;
HTEntity Brick 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 $slabw $slabt $slabl ;
HTEntity Isection 4 $Centrex $Centrey $BF $HB $Tw $Tf ;


HTMesh command is used to define mesh parameters which are associated with an HTEntity . The command should be written as:
HTMesh $meshTag $EntityTag $MaterialTag <-SecondMat $secMatTag> -phaseChange $PCTag <$PCTag2> -MeshCtrls $eleSizeX <$eleSizeY $eleSizeZ..>

The mesh scheme for 1D and 2D sections are illustrated in the following fiugre, where Ni represents the heat transfer node, and Ei indicates an element. Note that e_x is the element size along x axis, while e_y is for y direction

Figure 2: Default mesh scheme for HTEntites

For an HTEntity which consists of only two materials such as a composite beam, the second material tag should be specfied as well as the phase change parameter (0 or 1). The Mesh control parameters specified as element sizes following the -MeshCtrls should be given to configure the mesh scheme. A few examples are shown as below:
HTMesh 1 1 1 -phaseChange 0 -MeshCtrls 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.0198 ; #for I-section
HTMesh 2 2 1 -phaseChange 1 -MeshCtrls 0.02 0.02; #for block
HTMaterial ConcreteEC2 3 $density $specificHeat $conductivity;


HTMeshAll command is used to initialise the mesh which have been speficed for an HTEntity or more than one HTEntities. This is the ending point by now all the mesh definitions should be complete. The command is as simple as:


HTNodeSet command is used to select a range of nodes which may be nodes on a specified surface of an HTEntity or nodes based on the specified coordinates. The command should be wrriten as:
HTNodeSet $NodeSetTag -Entity $EntityTag -Face $faceTag;
HTNodeSet $NodeSetTag -Locx $locxMin <$locxMax> <-Locy $locyMin $locyMax> <-Locz $loczMin $loczMax>;
The example scripts are shown as below:
HTNodeSet 1 -Entity 1 -face 1;
HTNodeSet 2 -Locx 0.01 0.02 -Locy 0.0 0.2;


HTEleSet command is used to select a range of elements which may be elements on a specified surface of an HTEntity or elemnts that contain given nodes on one user-defined face. The command should be wrriten as:
HTEleSet $EleSetTag -Entity $EntityTag -Face $faceTag;
HTEleSet $EleSetTag -NodeSet $NodeSetTag -Face $faceTag;
The example scripts are shown as below:
HTEleSet 1 -Entity 1 -Face 1;
HTEleSet 2 -NodeSet 2 -face 2;


HTRecorder command is used to request the temperature data inside an (HTEntity), which could come up with location (coordinates) based or predefined data points at the interested section.
HTRecorder -locx $locx -locy $locy1 ;

This page is created by Liming Jiang, 2016